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Carpenter Pincer Quotation

Thank you for your interest on HyperClaw Carpenter Pincer. As we make high quality Carpenter Pincer with reasonable price and good service, you are highly welcome to fill the quotation form below for good Carpenter Pincer.

If, however, you are looking for cheap Carpenter Pincer of cheap quality and cheap service, please save your time NOT to fill the form. Also, we are a professional pliers manufacturer, we do not sell pliers by retail.

* denotes require field
Product Carpenter Pincer
Article No. 935
* Quantity pieces
(minimum quantity is 500, we do not sell pliers by retail)
Expected delivery date
Surface finishing Normal polished finish Black finished
Chromium plated Phospate finished
Stain finished Nickel chromium finished
Matt finished Electrostatically painted
Contact information
* Title Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss.
* Name
* Company
* Address
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